Join us!
The Good News Project provides a space where rangatahi not only hear the Good News but also live it out through hands-on biodiversity restoration projects.
BONUS! Register your Youth Group for the Good News Project restoration day on 1 March 2025, and get free tickets for all participating youth to the BIGTOP event organised by CYS Southern Easter Camp!
Saturday, 1 March 2025
12:30pm - 2:30pm
Southshore Spit Reserve
New Brighton
Yes! My youth group is keen to join in!
Youth Group Leader's Name
First name
Last name
Please add my email to the A Rocha / Eco Church mailing list.
Cell phone
Youth Group Name
Church Name
Estimated number of participants from my youth group
Participation Agreement
By submitting this form, we are agreeing that, while A Rocha Aotearoa NZ, The Avon Heathcote Ihutai Estuary Trust and the Christchurch City Council will take all reasonable care of the participants during the event, the facilitators will be free of personal liability in the event of any physical injury, or for loss participants may sustain to personal property.
Health and safety during the event will fall under the responsibility of The Avon Heathcote Ihutai Estuary Trust. A health and safety briefing, first aid kit and site first aider will be provided by the The Avon Heathcote Ihutai Estuary Trust on the day.
Health and safety and logistics to get participants from youth groups to and from the event site is the responsibility of the individual youth group and its leaders. The youth group leader is also responsible for managing the roll of participants from the youth group. It is recommended that youth groups obtain consent from participants' caregivers, emergency contact details of participants, as well as participants' medical information and/or follow the health and safety policy of their church community.
On behalf of my youth group, we agree to observe the health and safety requirements of this Conservation Day event, and to participate in the programme arranged.
We also agree that in the event of sickness or accident affecting a participant from my youth group, permission is given for all qualified medical attention necessary at the expense of the participant and I, the youth group leader, will be responsible for notifying the individual's emergency contact promptly.
We understand that certain inherent risks and hazards may exist in the activities in which participants will take part in. We acknowledge that, while the programme hosts and its leaders will make every reasonable effort to minimise exposure to known risks, some hazards and dangers associated with these activities cannot be foreseen or may be beyond the control of programme partners and its teams.
We agree that photographs or videos of participants from my youth group, as well as non-identifying stories about or quotes from participants, taken during the event, may be used for promotional purposes.
It is the responsibility of individual participants to notify an A Rocha staff member if they do not consent to have images or recordings taken of them for the purposes of A Rocha marketing and promotional materials, including online.
I consent to my own personal information being held by the programme organisers and that I may be contacted by the programme organisers or leaders from time to time.
Finally, I agree that the information on this form is correct and complete and that I will advise programme organisers promptly of any changes.
I agree to all of the above.
Comments / Questions
Any further comments or questions?
Please check the highlighted fields